Friday 26 October 2012

Lesson 1: Genesis of the Word

Read Genesis Chapter 1
(1) where does light on earth come from? (2) What came first the sun or light according to Genesis 1?
According to the Bible you find that light came first before the sun was created, God says let there be light in (Genesis 1: 3) and then later creates the sun and moon in verse 14. Many people who attempt to read the Bible dont know this because when starting to read the Bible they skip the chapters of Geneseis. Or skip the whole old testament.
Our lesson today is on the importance of How to read the Bible.You must Read the Bible in the order in which it was written. This order was inspired by God ( Romans 15:4 : 2 Timothy 3:16). Its not a mistake that God inspired prophets to write the Bible in the order that its written in. So read chronologically from Genesis 1.
When you skip chapters you'll miss out on understanding. And the general tendency of those who read the bible by skipping chapters is denial when the Bible reveals truth. Resultantly you'll start saying " Ohh, I dont believe God will do this !! " simply because youve missed chapter 1.
So lets read the Bible in Order because Jehovah is a God of Order and not confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-1-genesis-of-the-word/245979802189838



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