Saturday, 31 March 2012

Y4J(UK): What is the seventh day of the week ?

Youth 4 Jesus (UK): Using three methods to show what the seventh day of the week is. Presented by Tinashe (Tix)

Episode 3: How to read the Bible?

Episode 3 of the series "Discovering Love for God is Love." This episode explain how to read the Bible. Reading the Bible in a way to understand more.

Episode 2 part 3: Why Should I trust the Bible?

Discovering Love for God is love series. This is part 3 showing number 6 reason of why you can trust the Bible. To have a more clear understanding read a chapter of the Bible called Matthew 24.

Episode 2 (part 2): Why should I trust the Bible?

Discovering Love for God is Love episode 2 part 2. Number 6 reason of why you can trust the Bible. Read a chapter in the Bible called "Daniel Chapter 2" to have a more clear understanding of this video. search for the chapter online

Episode 2 part 1: Why Should I trust the Bible?

Episode 2 part1 of the series Discovering Love for God is Love. In this episode are four reasons of why you can trust the Bible.

Episode 1: Is there God?

Opening episode of the series "Discovering Love for God is Love." An episode explaining the difficulty of proving the presence of God in the lives of those who have not yet experienced a relationship with HIM.