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Thursday, 13 December 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Lesson 8: Who is represented by the Lamb?
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Thursday, 1 November 2012
Lesson 8: Commandment 1- Have no other gods before God our creator (Part C)
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Friday, 26 October 2012
Lesson 8: Commandment 1- Have no other gods before God our creator (Part B)
Read (Genesis 4) (Luke 10:18)
Seeing as though we had no relations why would the serpent or Satan seek to make the humans sin?
In the beginning an angel called Lucifer was created by God. This angel was very beautiful as described (Ezekiel 28: 13-16).However this angel got jealous and wanted to be like God: decided to put himself in the sit of God. By this the angel had sinned as a result this angel was to be thrown out of Heaven (Ezekiel 28:16) (Luke 10:18). Other angels decided to follow the footsteps of Lucifer. Instead of repenting these angels made war in Heaven (Revelation 12:7-8). As a result Lucifer and the angels that followed his footsteps were thrown out of Heaven. (Revelation 12:9).
On that moment God then prepared a lake of Fire also known as hell in which Lucifer also known as the devil or satan; serpent; dragon will be destroyed along with his angels (Matt. 25:41). Although thrown out of Heaven this angel did not repent. Understanding the consequence of his sin Lucifer decided to pollute God’s beautiful creation with sin so that Humans would also die along with him. Lucifer understood that by bringing sin to God creation death would also come to Humans (Romans 6:23).
In the Garden of Eden Lucifer came in the form of a snake to deceive Adam and Eve to eat the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God had told them not to eat. Satan succeeded in his plan to bring sin in to the world. It is to be understood that when we don’t follow the Word/Law of God we reject God as our God and Father but then take Satan as our Father (1 John 3:8-10).
Adam’s ignorance to God’s command caused Him to give birth to the first liar and murderer and that was Cain who killed his Brother Abel as written in Chapter 4 of Genesis. This is the beginning of the spread of sin as well as the spread of death.
Since Humans had sinned and the price for sinning was death, How come we still exist?!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-8-commandment-1-have-no-other-gods-before-god-our-creator-part-b/275095129278305
Seeing as though we had no relations why would the serpent or Satan seek to make the humans sin?
In the beginning an angel called Lucifer was created by God. This angel was very beautiful as described (Ezekiel 28: 13-16).However this angel got jealous and wanted to be like God: decided to put himself in the sit of God. By this the angel had sinned as a result this angel was to be thrown out of Heaven (Ezekiel 28:16) (Luke 10:18). Other angels decided to follow the footsteps of Lucifer. Instead of repenting these angels made war in Heaven (Revelation 12:7-8). As a result Lucifer and the angels that followed his footsteps were thrown out of Heaven. (Revelation 12:9).
On that moment God then prepared a lake of Fire also known as hell in which Lucifer also known as the devil or satan; serpent; dragon will be destroyed along with his angels (Matt. 25:41). Although thrown out of Heaven this angel did not repent. Understanding the consequence of his sin Lucifer decided to pollute God’s beautiful creation with sin so that Humans would also die along with him. Lucifer understood that by bringing sin to God creation death would also come to Humans (Romans 6:23).
In the Garden of Eden Lucifer came in the form of a snake to deceive Adam and Eve to eat the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God had told them not to eat. Satan succeeded in his plan to bring sin in to the world. It is to be understood that when we don’t follow the Word/Law of God we reject God as our God and Father but then take Satan as our Father (1 John 3:8-10).
Adam’s ignorance to God’s command caused Him to give birth to the first liar and murderer and that was Cain who killed his Brother Abel as written in Chapter 4 of Genesis. This is the beginning of the spread of sin as well as the spread of death.
Since Humans had sinned and the price for sinning was death, How come we still exist?!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-8-commandment-1-have-no-other-gods-before-god-our-creator-part-b/275095129278305
Lesson 8: Commandment 1- Have no other gods before God our creator (Part A)
Read (Genesis 3) (Exodus 20- 3)
In this week’s lesson ask yourself why do humans Die?
From this week onwards we will be going through the commandments that God gave. The last two weeks we discovered how critical the commandments are to our relationship with God. In the next following weeks we will look at the commandments in detail. We'll also use the stories in the following chapters as we continue to read the book of Genesis.
In chapter of 2 of Genesis, God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit. God could have put the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in another location where Adam and Eve could not rich. Instead God chose to put the tree in an accessible place on purpose. A very important lesson was being demonstrated by God. It was to teach Adam and Eve that they were only to honour the Word/Law of God and no one else. The tree stood as a physical symbol of Honouring that Word/Law. Adam and Eve would show their Honour by not eating the fruits of the tree.
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil their Honour to God was lost. Instead they honoured the words of the serpent more than God’s word. The serpent is also known as the devil or Satan (Revelation 12:9). As a result sin came into the world along with death (Romans 6:23). The definition of sin is simply going against God’s Word/Law (1John 3:4) and the consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23).
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they brought about the beginning of a sinful world. As the parents of Earth’s human race, all the children born from them would sin to destruction. As a result humans die today because we sin. Note that Adam ate the fruit because of his wife (Genesis 3:17). This lesson is to show us that sin can come from anyone even the closest people to us. In such moments we still need to only follow the Word/Law of God regardless of who tells us to go against it.
Seeing as though we had no relations why would the serpent or Satan seek to make the humans sin?!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-8-commandment-1-have-no-other-gods-before-god-our-creator-part-a/272195489568269
In this week’s lesson ask yourself why do humans Die?
From this week onwards we will be going through the commandments that God gave. The last two weeks we discovered how critical the commandments are to our relationship with God. In the next following weeks we will look at the commandments in detail. We'll also use the stories in the following chapters as we continue to read the book of Genesis.
In chapter of 2 of Genesis, God had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit. God could have put the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in another location where Adam and Eve could not rich. Instead God chose to put the tree in an accessible place on purpose. A very important lesson was being demonstrated by God. It was to teach Adam and Eve that they were only to honour the Word/Law of God and no one else. The tree stood as a physical symbol of Honouring that Word/Law. Adam and Eve would show their Honour by not eating the fruits of the tree.
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil their Honour to God was lost. Instead they honoured the words of the serpent more than God’s word. The serpent is also known as the devil or Satan (Revelation 12:9). As a result sin came into the world along with death (Romans 6:23). The definition of sin is simply going against God’s Word/Law (1John 3:4) and the consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23).
When Adam and Eve ate the fruit they brought about the beginning of a sinful world. As the parents of Earth’s human race, all the children born from them would sin to destruction. As a result humans die today because we sin. Note that Adam ate the fruit because of his wife (Genesis 3:17). This lesson is to show us that sin can come from anyone even the closest people to us. In such moments we still need to only follow the Word/Law of God regardless of who tells us to go against it.
Seeing as though we had no relations why would the serpent or Satan seek to make the humans sin?!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-8-commandment-1-have-no-other-gods-before-god-our-creator-part-a/272195489568269
Lesson 7: Adam only ate a fruit PART 2
Read (Genesis 3) ( Exodus 20)
Our lesson today is on the importance of the word of God. Let me just ask. Which sounds more sinful. One who eats a fruit Or one who murders his brother. Yet when we read in Genesis they receive the same punishment. both loose eternity.
All the Bible tries to teach in these chapters is obedience. When Jehovah says the most foolish thing to our ears all He wants is for us to obey. look at Adam. we live in a disastrous world filled with death& oppression because He only ate a fruit.(Romans 5:12). By only the eating of a fruit sin came into our world.
God has given us the 10 commandment as a moral standard of our lives (Exodus 20). The Bible defines the commandments of God as Love. And by following them this is how we show our love to God (John 14:15) (1 John 2: 3&42) . No commandment is smaller or greater than the other. all are equal and they come as one package (James 2:10&11) . Even our lord Jesus Christ summarised these (Matthew 22:37-40) (Galatians 5:14). By the way these are not a new commandment, they have always been there from the old testament (Deuteronomy 6:5) , ( Leviticus 19:18). 90% of what Jesus said is from the old testament. God does not change and keeping His commandments will always be the character of Love (Romans 13:8-11).
So next time when you say its just a little law I have broken becareful because you dont know the consequences. Adam just ate a fruit. Look at the world today!
In the next lessons we will be going Through all the commandments. Each week we will look at each commandment.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-7-adam-only-ate-a-fruit-part-2/267034176751067
Our lesson today is on the importance of the word of God. Let me just ask. Which sounds more sinful. One who eats a fruit Or one who murders his brother. Yet when we read in Genesis they receive the same punishment. both loose eternity.
All the Bible tries to teach in these chapters is obedience. When Jehovah says the most foolish thing to our ears all He wants is for us to obey. look at Adam. we live in a disastrous world filled with death& oppression because He only ate a fruit.(Romans 5:12). By only the eating of a fruit sin came into our world.
God has given us the 10 commandment as a moral standard of our lives (Exodus 20). The Bible defines the commandments of God as Love. And by following them this is how we show our love to God (John 14:15) (1 John 2: 3&42) . No commandment is smaller or greater than the other. all are equal and they come as one package (James 2:10&11) . Even our lord Jesus Christ summarised these (Matthew 22:37-40) (Galatians 5:14). By the way these are not a new commandment, they have always been there from the old testament (Deuteronomy 6:5) , ( Leviticus 19:18). 90% of what Jesus said is from the old testament. God does not change and keeping His commandments will always be the character of Love (Romans 13:8-11).
So next time when you say its just a little law I have broken becareful because you dont know the consequences. Adam just ate a fruit. Look at the world today!
In the next lessons we will be going Through all the commandments. Each week we will look at each commandment.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-7-adam-only-ate-a-fruit-part-2/267034176751067
Lesson 7: Adam only ate a fruit PART 1
(Genesis 3 ) (Genesis 2: 16, 17)
Fun inspires most of the activities people in the world do. Examples of what the world defines as fun are eating whatever, drinking alcohol, smoking, sensuality, fornication, Music to arouse sexuality and violence, Pornography and such like this. One of the biggest challenges is to let go of these activities when the Bible requires us to do so. And the most common excuse used is, “ But I’m not harming anyone surely God is fine with this”
This week’s lesson is subject to all humans living today. The results of chapter 3 were detrimental to all of us living today. When God created Humans they were given a rule not to eat the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 2:17). The consequences of eating the fruits of this tree were death or loss of immortality.
Satan comes in the form of a Serpent to trick Eve into eating the fruit (Genesis 3: 1-5). Note that what makes Eve fall for Satan’s deception are the fun credits that come with eating the fruit i.e “be like God”, “good for food”, “delight to the eyes”, “make one wise” (Gen 3:6). In the end Adam and Eve eat the fruit. The consequences that come along are multiplied pain when women give birth (Gen 3: 16), secondly the Ground became hard and the man had to toil to get food out of it (Gen3:17), Man were to die and return to the dust from which they were made from (Gen 3:19).
This lesson simply displays the importance of God’s commandments. When God gives a commandment, though it may not be fun and convenient for us, we have to follow. Adam and Eve only ate a fruit and the state of our dying world is the result of it. We have people dying of disease, hunger, Murderers, disasters that kill thousands of humans, Wars around the world, all because Adam ate a fruit. The commandments that God has given us may not be fun but we have to follow them because the consequences of rejecting them may lead to disastrous results that we will later regret.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-7-adam-only-ate-a-fruit-part-1/263979023723249
Fun inspires most of the activities people in the world do. Examples of what the world defines as fun are eating whatever, drinking alcohol, smoking, sensuality, fornication, Music to arouse sexuality and violence, Pornography and such like this. One of the biggest challenges is to let go of these activities when the Bible requires us to do so. And the most common excuse used is, “ But I’m not harming anyone surely God is fine with this”
This week’s lesson is subject to all humans living today. The results of chapter 3 were detrimental to all of us living today. When God created Humans they were given a rule not to eat the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 2:17). The consequences of eating the fruits of this tree were death or loss of immortality.
Satan comes in the form of a Serpent to trick Eve into eating the fruit (Genesis 3: 1-5). Note that what makes Eve fall for Satan’s deception are the fun credits that come with eating the fruit i.e “be like God”, “good for food”, “delight to the eyes”, “make one wise” (Gen 3:6). In the end Adam and Eve eat the fruit. The consequences that come along are multiplied pain when women give birth (Gen 3: 16), secondly the Ground became hard and the man had to toil to get food out of it (Gen3:17), Man were to die and return to the dust from which they were made from (Gen 3:19).
This lesson simply displays the importance of God’s commandments. When God gives a commandment, though it may not be fun and convenient for us, we have to follow. Adam and Eve only ate a fruit and the state of our dying world is the result of it. We have people dying of disease, hunger, Murderers, disasters that kill thousands of humans, Wars around the world, all because Adam ate a fruit. The commandments that God has given us may not be fun but we have to follow them because the consequences of rejecting them may lead to disastrous results that we will later regret.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-7-adam-only-ate-a-fruit-part-1/263979023723249
Lesson 6: I Pronounce you Husband and Wife
Read (Genesis 2: 18)
In chapter 1 of Genesis we got a glimpse of our duties as Humans. God made us to take care of the earth and to multiply (Genesis 1:28). In Genesis chapter 2 we get a detailed description of how men and women relate to each other. Adam was created first. God saw that it was not good for a man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), therefore a compatible partner was created to be helper. When young men and women reach the age of maturity they depart from their parents' house. The young man and woman should be capable of raising a family and in this manner they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
Men and Women both married and not have adopted the immoral lifestyle. Sexual immorality drives the majority of the human population. A lot of this being inspired by programmes on TV, internet and the music we listen to. All the popular TV, internet and music programmes are associated to sex. Below are verses that have been pulled from all parts of the Bible to display what the Bible says about sexual desires.
As creations of God, when Man and women were created God brought about marriage. People are not to have sexual relations before marriage. The Bible clearly rebukes fornication (1 corinthians 6:9) (1corinthians 6:18). Escaping fornication by getting married does not then give us a pass to be sexually immoral because we are married. A married couple's sexual desire is to their own husband and wife ( 1 Corinthians 7:1 and 2). Married couples are not to have sexual relations out of their marriage partner (Exodus 20: 14). The marriage bed should be kept pure and away from sexual immorality, God will judge this (Hebrews 13:4). Practise of sexual immorality or impure living will not inherit heaven (Ephesians 5:3-6).
The duty of husbands is to love their wives, help each other to grow in purity and love their wives as their own body (Ephesians 5:1:25). Our Duty is to present our bodies to God thus keeping our bodies away from sexual immorality. The way we treat our bodies should be pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).
Sexual desires and lust are acts that are not desired by God, they are not part of Love. ( Galatians 5:19), (1 John 2:16).!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-6-i-pronounce-you-husband-and-wife/258728860914932
In chapter 1 of Genesis we got a glimpse of our duties as Humans. God made us to take care of the earth and to multiply (Genesis 1:28). In Genesis chapter 2 we get a detailed description of how men and women relate to each other. Adam was created first. God saw that it was not good for a man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), therefore a compatible partner was created to be helper. When young men and women reach the age of maturity they depart from their parents' house. The young man and woman should be capable of raising a family and in this manner they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
Men and Women both married and not have adopted the immoral lifestyle. Sexual immorality drives the majority of the human population. A lot of this being inspired by programmes on TV, internet and the music we listen to. All the popular TV, internet and music programmes are associated to sex. Below are verses that have been pulled from all parts of the Bible to display what the Bible says about sexual desires.
As creations of God, when Man and women were created God brought about marriage. People are not to have sexual relations before marriage. The Bible clearly rebukes fornication (1 corinthians 6:9) (1corinthians 6:18). Escaping fornication by getting married does not then give us a pass to be sexually immoral because we are married. A married couple's sexual desire is to their own husband and wife ( 1 Corinthians 7:1 and 2). Married couples are not to have sexual relations out of their marriage partner (Exodus 20: 14). The marriage bed should be kept pure and away from sexual immorality, God will judge this (Hebrews 13:4). Practise of sexual immorality or impure living will not inherit heaven (Ephesians 5:3-6).
The duty of husbands is to love their wives, help each other to grow in purity and love their wives as their own body (Ephesians 5:1:25). Our Duty is to present our bodies to God thus keeping our bodies away from sexual immorality. The way we treat our bodies should be pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).
Sexual desires and lust are acts that are not desired by God, they are not part of Love. ( Galatians 5:19), (1 John 2:16).!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-6-i-pronounce-you-husband-and-wife/258728860914932
Lesson 5: What is the state of the Dead?
(Genesis 2) (Ecclesiastes 9:5)
From the past coulpe of weeks we have been discussing the issue of Death. From the past lessons we understand how we were made and what happens when we die. Today we will simply conclude the whole matter by decribing the state of the dead.
This lesson has pulled together most of the verses from the Bible that decribe the state of the dead. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Tells us that dead people dont have a conscience. All their emotions have perished (Psalms 146:4). Dead people cannot praise God. All about their character is silence (Psalms 115:17). No characters from the dead affect the way in which alive human beings live. In essence dead people have no life in them. Therefore ghosts, purgatory, going to heaven at death& communicating to the dead are all ideas that cannot be accepted according to the Bible .
The only event recorded in the Bible at which the dead will resume consience is the last day on earth when God shall resurrect the dead (John 5:28-29). Even David who has been dead for thousands of years has not gone to heaven as the Bible confirms (Acts 2:29,34). Our duty is to grow in all aspects of life to attain perfectness. Think of everyday as a second chance to grow. Our character today should be better than yesterday. Our character tomorrow should be better than today.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-5-what-is-the-state-of-the-dead/256129881174830
From the past coulpe of weeks we have been discussing the issue of Death. From the past lessons we understand how we were made and what happens when we die. Today we will simply conclude the whole matter by decribing the state of the dead.
This lesson has pulled together most of the verses from the Bible that decribe the state of the dead. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) Tells us that dead people dont have a conscience. All their emotions have perished (Psalms 146:4). Dead people cannot praise God. All about their character is silence (Psalms 115:17). No characters from the dead affect the way in which alive human beings live. In essence dead people have no life in them. Therefore ghosts, purgatory, going to heaven at death& communicating to the dead are all ideas that cannot be accepted according to the Bible .
The only event recorded in the Bible at which the dead will resume consience is the last day on earth when God shall resurrect the dead (John 5:28-29). Even David who has been dead for thousands of years has not gone to heaven as the Bible confirms (Acts 2:29,34). Our duty is to grow in all aspects of life to attain perfectness. Think of everyday as a second chance to grow. Our character today should be better than yesterday. Our character tomorrow should be better than today.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-5-what-is-the-state-of-the-dead/256129881174830
Lesson 4: What Happens when I die?
Read (Genesis 2: 7) (Genesis 3:19) ( (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
After a watch has done it time and lost its functions. We cannot go to a doctor, mechanic or farmer to ask what happens next to the watch. Only the watchmaker can tell the full detail of what happens next to the watch.
Last week's lesson taught us that man was made from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). When God breathed into nostrils of this structure that He had made it became alive. All people living today can tell the stories of their lives but we don't have a dead person's record of what happens when they are dead as they are dead. So the only source that can provide what happens when someone dies is from one who made Humans. Only God can tell the truth of what happens when Humans Die.
In this week's lesson we will understand what happens when we die. The Bible clearly tells what happens when we die. Since we were made from dust, ( Genesis 2:7), when we die we will re-turn to dust (Genesis 3:19). The breath sometimes known as the spirit returns to God who gave it in the first place (Ecclesiastes 12:7). This is Logical! Think about all the bodies that have died on earth for thousands of years. They have not filled the earth because they turn to dust overtime.
Although the topic of death is very painful at times frightening to talk about. It should be discussed and the solution must be found. Its a problem that we have faced for thousands of years but never found the solution. Next week we will discover the state of the dead and the solution to death!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-4-what-happens-when-i-die/253326208121864
After a watch has done it time and lost its functions. We cannot go to a doctor, mechanic or farmer to ask what happens next to the watch. Only the watchmaker can tell the full detail of what happens next to the watch.
Last week's lesson taught us that man was made from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). When God breathed into nostrils of this structure that He had made it became alive. All people living today can tell the stories of their lives but we don't have a dead person's record of what happens when they are dead as they are dead. So the only source that can provide what happens when someone dies is from one who made Humans. Only God can tell the truth of what happens when Humans Die.
In this week's lesson we will understand what happens when we die. The Bible clearly tells what happens when we die. Since we were made from dust, ( Genesis 2:7), when we die we will re-turn to dust (Genesis 3:19). The breath sometimes known as the spirit returns to God who gave it in the first place (Ecclesiastes 12:7). This is Logical! Think about all the bodies that have died on earth for thousands of years. They have not filled the earth because they turn to dust overtime.
Although the topic of death is very painful at times frightening to talk about. It should be discussed and the solution must be found. Its a problem that we have faced for thousands of years but never found the solution. Next week we will discover the state of the dead and the solution to death!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-4-what-happens-when-i-die/253326208121864
Lesson 3: How was I made?
( Read Genesis 1: 26) (Read Genesis 2)
A man walking down the beach comes across a broken watch. In his mind he simply understands that someone made that watch. He then adores the beauty of this watch but then starts to question how the watch was made and what happens next since the watch has done its time and lost its functions?
Lets apply this analogy to our Human life. It's simple enough to accept that we are made by God but How are we made and what happens when we die?
In our lesson this week we will discover How God made us. Genesis Chapter 2 is a passage that goes into the details of creation. In the previous lessons we came across a verse stating that Humans were made on the sixth day of creation (Gen 1:26). We came to an understanding that in all the other aspects of creation God spake and things came to be. However when it came to the creation of Humans God decided to 'make.'
We are a very privileged creation because unlike other creations were God only spoke we were moulded/formed by the Hands of God (Gen2: 7 ). We are so special to the fact that God breathed into our nostrils. Think about it, how many people on earth are you willing to breath into their nostrils? Or rather how many people do you permit to breath in your nostrils. Our Creator did this so we could come to life. This is a strong signal of how God wants to be close to us and establish a very strong relationship. At the same time in this passage God is teaching us LOVE. Let us love others as we love ourselves because for them to be alive God had to breath in a nostril which you and I are not willing to even get closer to.
Next week we are going to discover what happens when we die.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-3-how-was-i-made/250858658368619
A man walking down the beach comes across a broken watch. In his mind he simply understands that someone made that watch. He then adores the beauty of this watch but then starts to question how the watch was made and what happens next since the watch has done its time and lost its functions?
Lets apply this analogy to our Human life. It's simple enough to accept that we are made by God but How are we made and what happens when we die?
In our lesson this week we will discover How God made us. Genesis Chapter 2 is a passage that goes into the details of creation. In the previous lessons we came across a verse stating that Humans were made on the sixth day of creation (Gen 1:26). We came to an understanding that in all the other aspects of creation God spake and things came to be. However when it came to the creation of Humans God decided to 'make.'
We are a very privileged creation because unlike other creations were God only spoke we were moulded/formed by the Hands of God (Gen2: 7 ). We are so special to the fact that God breathed into our nostrils. Think about it, how many people on earth are you willing to breath into their nostrils? Or rather how many people do you permit to breath in your nostrils. Our Creator did this so we could come to life. This is a strong signal of how God wants to be close to us and establish a very strong relationship. At the same time in this passage God is teaching us LOVE. Let us love others as we love ourselves because for them to be alive God had to breath in a nostril which you and I are not willing to even get closer to.
Next week we are going to discover what happens when we die.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-3-how-was-i-made/250858658368619
Lesson 2: Manual to Life
(Read Genesis 1:26-30) ( Read Daniel 1) (Read Leviticus 11)
When you buy a gadget, e.g. a phone, you receive a manual. That manual has instructions to what the phone needs for it to function. Every gadget on Earth has a manual of how it works. If the manual is followed you will not face problems with the gadget. What about Humans, where is our manual?
The Bible is literally a manual to human life. When God made us in his own image ( Genesis 1:26) God showed man what they need in order to function. First God made us in his image& then commanded us to take care of Earth (Gen 1: 26) & we shall be judged of this (Rev 11:18). Secondly our duty as male& female is to marry& have families in the image of God (Gen 1:28). Third God gave us what we should eat. (Gen 1:29)
Our lesson today is on the issue of food based on this verse. (Gen 1:29).
The issue of food is among the most spoken themes in the Bible. For example, men falls into sin because of food (Gen 3:6-7) , Abel kills his brother because of the type of food presented to God (Gen 3-8) , Isaac steals His brother's blessing through food (Gen 27).
When God made us He gave us what to eat. God instructed Humans to live on vegetable& fruit (Gen 1:29).
In Daniel chapter 1 we see the advantage of God's diet. Daniel& His three friends choose to live on vegetables for ten days. After ten days Daniel& His three friends grew in knowledge& strength ten times more that those who chose to live by eating King Nebuchadnezzar's delicacies. In our world today many people have rejected our maker's diet therefore we suffer with disease& disabilities. Think about all the diseases we get today. How do these diseases even start? And Where do they even come from? My friends! Its all because of what we eat!
When we were created there was not meet eating, meat eating began after the flood during Noah's time. Because all Trees and vegetation on earth had died under the flood God allowed meet eating. However God instructed which animals where to be ingested& which were not to be eaten. The Chapter Leviticus 11 is God's first and last instruction on what meat we should& should not eat.
Think of our bodies as a car, you can put water, orange juice, but the car wont work until you put the right fuel.. The more you try to put the wrong liquid into the car, the more you damage it. Many times we don't reach our optimum goals simply because we have ignored what the maker has given us for food.!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-2-manual-to-life/248467378607747
Lesson 1: Genesis of the Word
Read Genesis Chapter 1
(1) where does light on earth come from? (2) What came first the sun or light according to Genesis 1?
According to the Bible you find that light came first before the sun was created, God says let there be light in (Genesis 1: 3) and then later creates the sun and moon in verse 14. Many people who attempt to read the Bible dont know this because when starting to read the Bible they skip the chapters of Geneseis. Or skip the whole old testament.
Our lesson today is on the importance of How to read the Bible.You must Read the Bible in the order in which it was written. This order was inspired by God ( Romans 15:4 : 2 Timothy 3:16). Its not a mistake that God inspired prophets to write the Bible in the order that its written in. So read chronologically from Genesis 1.
When you skip chapters you'll miss out on understanding. And the general tendency of those who read the bible by skipping chapters is denial when the Bible reveals truth. Resultantly you'll start saying " Ohh, I dont believe God will do this !! " simply because youve missed chapter 1.
So lets read the Bible in Order because Jehovah is a God of Order and not confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-1-genesis-of-the-word/245979802189838!/notes/youth-4-jesus-uk/lesson-1-genesis-of-the-word/245979802189838
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Y4J(UK): What is the seventh day of the week ?
Episode 3: How to read the Bible?
Episode 2 part 3: Why Should I trust the Bible?
Episode 2 (part 2): Why should I trust the Bible?
Episode 2 part 1: Why Should I trust the Bible?
Episode 2 part1 of the series Discovering Love for God is
Love. In this episode are four reasons of why you can trust the Bible.
Episode 1: Is there God?
Opening episode of the series "Discovering Love for God is
Love." An episode explaining the difficulty of proving the presence of God in
the lives of those who have not yet experienced a relationship with HIM.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Youth 4 Jesus (UK)
An Introduction to a group of youth interested in sharing the inspired word of God through various means. We believe in the sharing the love that God has passed on to us. The present generation of the world deserves to drink the cup of love and good news that God has blessed us with. We pray that after going through the presented material your hearts may be filled with Freedom from the imprisonment of the stress, depression, hate, oppression, bullying, sadness, emptyness that this world is filled with. Thank you for taking the time to read.
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